"Se o teu corpo não está sob o teu controle, a tua mente não está sob o teu controle, e o teu espírito não está sob o teu controle, como vais enfrentar o desafio do tempo e do espaço?" - Yogi Bhajan

domingo, 4 de dezembro de 2011

Global Sadhana: Honoring the Divine Feminine

Sat Nam!
Para quem ainda não se juntou aos milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo nesta prática para Honrar o Feminino Sagrado, ainda estão a tempo! Dêem uma olhadela na mensagem da Ramdesh Kaur neste 4º dia da nossa aventura de 40 dias!

Tenham um óptimo dia!

10 Dezembro - Aula Experimental para Grávidas, SINTRA

Aula experimental gratuita!!! Todas as barriguinhas são bem-vindas!!!!

*** Sábado, dia 10 de Dezembro às 10h30 ***

Kundalini Yoga para Grávidas prepara o corpo e a mente durante a jornada da gravidez para o momento sagrado do nascimento.

Tragam para a prática uma colchonete de yoga ou um tapete; um cobertor ou manta; e uma almofada.

Confirmem a vossa presença em:

Tuna Operária de Sintra
Rua André de Albuquerque, 3 e 5
2710 - 529 Sintra Tel: 21 923 43 02
E-mail: info@tuna-sintra.pt


Kundalini Yoga é a forma mais rápida de estabelecer uma relação entre corpo, mente e alma.

Além dos benefícios gerais da prática, Kundalini Yoga para Grávidas permite:

• Manter e criar flexibilidade e força para o parto
• Capacidade de permanecer meditativa e centrada durante a gravidez, elevando tanto a mãe como bebé.

Focando-se em:
Alongamentos para o corpo e apoio nos relaxamentos
Alinhamento do corpo de forma a lidar com o peso adicional do ventre e do peito
• Melhoramento da respiração
Fortalecimento do pavimento pélvico

segunda-feira, 28 de novembro de 2011

Numerology Forecast for 2012

2012 - Earth Changes; Tribal Connection; Inclusiveness

By Nam Hari Kaur Khalsa

The calendar year of 2012 is a time of dramatic change on planet Earth. We will be challenged on every level to adapt and maneuver through rapidly changing circumstances and social unrest. Why so? The overall number for the year is a 5 (2+0+1+2=5), and 5 represents a restless intensity which seeks to express itself through bold action and impulsive behavior. There is drama at play in a “no holds barred” arena when number 5 lets loose.

We are seeing the result of this as people have become increasingly frustrated with the present structures of education, medicine, finance, and government. Five represents revolt, and as sections of our society are feeling ignored or unheard we can expect to see a greater use of force by different factions. Currently the protests are peaceful, and will hopefully remain so, however 5 is known as the “wild card” number. This means anything can happen. The native American Indians have an expression which says, “Pray to God, and paddle away from the rocks.”

As we venture forth into this fantastic new landscape, it is important to know that there really is a higher plan and purpose at work. It just may be difficult at times to distinguish exactly what that higher plan is. So, I will tell you one of the most important reasons for the changes to come next year: in a word, “inclusiveness.”

Our present societal structure has disenfranchised masses of people who are now at a breaking point, and feel as though they have nothing left to lose. It is a very dangerous situation to have large groups of people who feel as though they are not included, or even heard, and therefore are willing to take stronger measures in order to have their voices acknowledged. Imagine if you couldn’t afford to properly feed your children, or buy them a winter coat. How far might you go to remedy the situation? This is where we must next look to the Gift number for the year, which is a 12. The number 12 represents tribes, and the need for people to band together for nurturing and protection. As events unfold in 2012 we will see the necessity for people of similar geography, interest, and purpose banding together to help one another. Twelve reduces down to 3, and number 3 represents issues of nurturing, creativity, and the “Positive Mind” in yogic terminology. The Positive Mind is an aspect of our thought process which says, “There are no problems, only solutions!” We will need this “can do” spirit to respond creatively and consciously to rapidly changing circumstances. In our emerging tribal paradigm there will be the opportunity to dip into the wellspring of what is called the “collective pool of intelligence.” Through this collective mindset anything can be solved.

As we look again to the Gift of this year, number 3 (last two digits of the year), it is significant to note that 3 represents children and their creative, joyful energy. As we adults are scratching our heads over a seemingly impossible problem, a 12 year old may come along and say, “Well, why don’t you just do it this way?” To which we may likely hear the adult response of, “Oh yeah, right, I was just thinking of that!”

The theme of inclusiveness needs to be incorporated into the inclusion of our youth. The children born from 1999 onward are of a different vibrational frequency than before. They have come here to be a direct working part of the Aquarian Age shift. At their individual age and maturity level their words and insights need to be factored into the solution equation. Can you remember—as a child–ever seeing your parents having an argument, and thinking to yourself, “It’s so obvious, if they would just stop killing each other it could be worked out.”

Looking again to 5, the overall number for the year, it is significant to note that 5 is the Earth Element. Yes, you probably guessed it, earth changes! We have already experienced record breaking intensities of temperatures around the world, along with the increase of devastation through tornados and other natural phenomenon. Just as I was writing this, I noticed the phonetic structure of the word “devastation,” and thought how it could be re-configured into the words “Deva station.” As yogis we know that the Devas are the creative divine light beings who are present in the ethers, and would like to be invited to Earth to lend a helping hand. Your prayer is their invitation.

Now is the time to connect with your tribal members who hold the values ofconscious right action, so that you may be a part of the creative unfolding of the Aquarian Age. We are the ones we have been waiting for, and as Yogi Bhajan has said:

“In the Age of Aquarius, when the axis of the earth has changed one degree, it will require human beings to live by experience. Everybody will have an applied knowledge, respect for each other, extreme tolerance, and will live (if they want to live at all) not with a hammer, but with humor.” Yogi Bhajan, Dec. 9, 2007

Would you like to know more? Nam Hari can do a personal reading for you over the phone. Hidden away in the numbers of your birth date are the secrets to your life’s true happiness and greatest potential. Nam Hari specializes in the area of relationships, and by understanding the parallel and diagonal lines of energy connecting you to another, your chances for success are greatly enhanced. Information is power, and the time is now! Call: 310-202-8937 or 575-305-0017. Email:NamHari17@gmail.com

sábado, 12 de novembro de 2011

November 2011 Numerology Forecast: Consolidate, Concentrate, Be You!

November 2011 Numerology Forecast: Consolidate, Concentrate, Be You!

By Nam Hari Kaur, in AQUARIAN TIMES

Here we are as a humanity, shifting into one of the most pivotal points on planet Earth in recorded history. November 11, 2011 marks the beginning of the Aquarian Age, which will be experienced as a new dimension of human potential and spiritual awareness.

We will now have the ability to receive and process information at a higher speed, similar to a 4G internet connection being upgraded to 5G. The catch is, the information is flowing at a faster rate, but do you have the software upgrade to handle it? This translates into: Is your brain balanced and your nervous system strong? If you are shaky in either of these areas you will begin to notice an increasingly frazzled feeling in your demeanor. “I just can’t handle it all” will be a common emotional phenomenon occurring in our society. People will be looking for more ways to “check out” into a world where they feel in control and fulfilled.Sales in video games will sky rocket, as this is a popular way for our modern society to feel empowered. Once you learn the ropes of the game, your chances increase in being a winner. There will also be a surge in the sales and designing of new energy drinks. If you go into any 7-11 convenience store there are entire refrigerator cases devoted to these products, temporarily turning you into your own adrenalized Super-Hero.

As yogis, or simply as devoted women and men of God, we need to find a better way.

Right now the way is called “Getting Back to Basics.” We need to bring our lives into a place of balance so we can handle the huge planetary shifts around the corner in 2012.

Sneak Preview of 2012: It’s overall a 5 year (2+0+1+2=5), and 5 cycles always bring powerful and swift changes. Five is also the Earth Element, so this where part of the changes will take place.

OK, back to the basics. Yogi Tea, now there’s an easy one! Brew it yourself by buying the ingredients in bulk (health food store or Indian grocery), or just go for the convenient Yogi Tea brand at the health food store. You will be improving your digestion, purifying the blood, and strengthening your bones and nervous system all in one delicious cup.

Next on our “Getting Back to Basics” list is Sat Kriya, a master kriya of Kundalini Yoga. When your lower triangle of chakras are balanced, you can withstand the heavy winds of change. Eleven minutes of Sat Kriya a day gives you the vitality and core strength you need to handle the exterior pressure.

Yoga class! This is how most of us caught the train to a higher ground to begin with. Vow to yourself, “I will go to one yoga class a week.” This is as much for the blessing of community as it is for your individual improvement. Connectivity and spiritual camaraderie are now essential components to your well-being.

Another striking feature of our 11-11-11 shift is that we will no longer be able to roll along with relationships that are inharmonious with our higher self. Expect to see a rise in the divorce rate as many people will be feeling, “That’s it, I’m done, I’m out of here.” The music group called “Fleetwood Mac” stated it well in their song “Never Going Back Again,” when Lindsey Buckingham sang, “Been down one time, been down two times, I’m never going back again.” This breaking free of bondage is part of what will allow for a new connectivity in relationships next year in 2012. If you are going through a break-up, or if you have been waiting for a long time to meet someone, know that your chances are about to get better.

Just be sure you are vibrating at a higher frequency (via spiritual practice) so you don’t attract a “re-run” episode. Set a higher value and intention for your new friends or life partner, so your relationships may have an enduring and endearing quality.

On another note, in the month of September I quite unexpectedly had to suddenly pick up everything and move my housing situation within 48 hours. No pressure, right. As I lined up the logistics I knew I would need to focus, and eat very lightly. Trekking out to the health food store for provisions I loaded up on juices, carrot/celery sticks, and sesame crunch bars. Then, just as I was about to leave, I passed by the unfamiliar territory of the coffee aisle. There in front of me was a shiny, colorful package of “Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans.” I could hear the little espresso beans calling me, saying, “We’re your friends Nam Hari, we’ll help you to move.” Oh, goody! My little chocolate covered energy grenades would save the day for me. The afternoon went well, and anytime I felt tired I would glance over to the container on my desk, and there they were jumping up and down saying, “We’re here for you!” Okay, sure, I’ll have another handful of chocolate espresso delight, nobody is looking anyway. And zippity do-dah, I am off and running again—me and my new found friends packing boxes till midnight. Why bother with a healthy dinner and rest time when you’ve got snack support that gives you endless lightening speed energy. For awhile that is—as in till the next morning when I couldn’t get out of bed until 10:30. Glancing over to the desk, my good time buddies are still sitting there, coyly smiling and saying, “Well, we didn’t know you were supposed to get up at 4:00 a.m., we don’t meditate, how were we to know?”

Everything in life has a price, and every relationship has an energetic exchange.Choose your new friends and endeavors wisely now, as they will be setting a trend for the New Year. Let this new trend be the end of any self-image which allows for deception or duality. Now is the time to “Consolidate, Concentrate, Be You!” as Yogi Bhajan has said. Align with your kindred spirits, your spiritual birds of a feather, and let your Soul take flight into the Aquarian Age.

Would you like to know more? Nam Hari can do a personal reading for you over the phone. The numbers of your birth date contain the hidden secrets to your life’s happiness and true potential. Information is power, and real solutions are given to answer your life’s questions. Nam Hari specializes in the area of relationships, and by knowing the parallel and diagonal lines of energy connecting you to another person, the chances for success are greatly enhanced. 310-202-8937 or 575-305-0017; namhari17@gmail.com

quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2011

Aula experimental no Alto dos Moinhos, LISBOA

Lua Nova!
Novos Começos!
Novos Projectos!
Novos Desafios!

E aqui vos lanço um!

Aula experimental de Kundalini Yoga
9 Novembro 2011 ~~ 13h15-14h15
Auditório do Alto dos Moinhos

- roupa confortável, preferencialmente de algodão ou outras fibras naturais (branco é recomendado mas não essencial)
- uma manta e/ou colchonete de yoga, tapete ou toalha grande, para nos taparmos durante o relaxamento e para os exercícios e meditação.

Para mais informações: gurukiretkaur@gmail.com ou 93 517 95 48.

Sat Nam!

Kundalini Yoga para Grávidas em SINTRA

Sat Nam!

Em Novembro começaremos com aulas de Kundalini Yoga para Grávidas na Tuna Operária de Sintra, aos Sábados pelas 16h.

Este é o momento! A gravidez permite-nos tempo, disponibilidade e abertura de preparar o corpo e a mente para o momento sagrado do nascimento!

“Carregar uma criança no ventre não é um trabalho humano; carregar uma criança no ventre é um trabalho totalmente divino, divino, divino, divino, divino.”Yogi Bhajan

terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2011

E quem sou eu?

Sou Mulher, sou Filha, sou Irmã, sou Mãe.

Sou Actriz, sou Curandeira, sou Artesã, sou Professora.

Ao longo dos últimos anos tenho explorado várias facetas do meu ser, buscando em mim e no que me rodeia, a melhor forma de activamente contribuir para uma abordagem mais plena e consciente da Vida, do Mundo e do Ser. A maternidade revelou-se uma viagem tão profunda e sublime, que tornou premente a necessidade de partilhar todas essas vivências transformadoras com tantas outras Mulheres.

Ao longo dos últimos anos tenho reunido saberes. Estudei Teatro, Naturopatia e Kundalini Yoga. Com a gravidez, aprofundei o Kundalini Yoga para gestantes, pois senti a necessidade de continuar a minha prática na linha do Kundalini Yoga, uma vez que esta possibilitou um dos processos de auto-descoberta e auto-sanação mais intensos que vivenciei, mas desta feita com todas os honras e cuidados agora que uma nova vida crescia no meu ventre. E, por outro lado, após anos de inspiradoras experiências, pouco depois do nascimento do meu filho, nasce MAWU, a minha linha de cosmética natural.

Ao longo dos anos acumulei vivências; fiz-me, refiz-me; enleei, desenredei, teci e cortei pontas soltas desta magnifica teia da Vida. Sou eu. Sempre em crescimento, sempre em mudança. Sou Ana. Sou Gurukiret Kaur.

terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2011

October Numerology Forecast: Forty Day Count Down to the New Age

October Numerology Forecast: Forty Day Count Down to the New Age

By Nam Hari Kaur Khalsa, in AQUARIAN TIMES

Watch out world, here comes the beginning of the Aquarian Age just around the corner!
We are now within the 40 day home stretch of a tremendous global shift of energy. Many people are wondering, “How will this affect me?” One of the ways we will be most affected is the increasing inability to tolerate feeling trapped, confined, or suffocated in a dead-end job, relationship, or anything else which affects our heart.

The overall number for this year is a 4 (2+0+1+1=4), and 4 is the Heart Chakra. With the special appearance of number 11 in the calendar year, there is an increasing determination within us to break free from “Soul killing” situations. Some of us have been able to initiate steady, measured steps to bring about these liberating changes, while others are still feeling an overwhelming frustration and bewilderment over what it will take to break free. This is where it is going to get messy.

The number 14 appears in the sub-layers of this month, and 14 is the number of physical consequences. It brings about dramatic change, upheaval, and revolt. Many people will now be at an unstoppable breaking point, and we will be witnessing this in the headlines of the newspapers. There is an American expression which says, “Let sleeping dogs lie.” Do not go looking for trouble this month, or you will find it quicker than you think.

There will be seven “hotpoint” days in October, and they are the: 4th, 5th, 13th, 14th, 22nd, 23rd, and 31st. It’s best to minimize on these days, don’t do anything or go anywhere that isn’t absolutely necessary. Being at home and praying or meditating with others is a good idea on these days. We are in fantastic times, and it is ultimately meant to bring out the best in all of us. The problem is that not everyone has the elevated skill set to behave well, so others will have to pick up the slack.

There is a tendency towards wanting to force things throughout October. This is fueled by feeling fed up with the rut we may still be in, and contribute towards an aggressive attitude of, “If I don’t make my move now, it’s never gonna happen.” This is actually a really bad philosophy to have, and it will only contribute to potential loss and frustration. There are certain situations in life that are best dealt with by simply waiting it out. During the hurricanes and tropical storms which affected much of the eastern coast of the United Sates last month, many people tried driving through flooded roads. Some of these folks ended up losing their car, and even their lives, because they miscalculated the situation. It would have been better to wait it out. Explaining to your insurance company why you thought you could drive through three feet of water may not go over so well. The Christians have a beautiful belief which is, “This too shall pass.”

Speaking of driving, from now until 12-21-2012 it is best is be extra careful and aware while driving your car. This is because time itself is speeding up (because of the shift in the axis of the earth), and not everyone’s brain has been able to synchronize with this shift. The result is that it will affect people’s depth perception.It will also affect our personal sense of timing and rhythm in relation to physical objects and acceleration. This is especially true at intersections and traffic lights, so play it safe by allowing for a margin of safety to cover for people’s perception skipping a beat.

Can you remember as a child a playground ride called the spinning wheel? It is a round platform which has metal handles that you can hold on to while someone spins the wheel faster and faster. Invariably someone would lose their grip, and go flying off the wheel. In the playground scenario there is soft sand to land on, and usually no one gets hurt. In our present time the wheel is spinning even faster, and there’s a 60 foot cliff at the edge of the wheel. This is why there are presently so many people on medication, as they have been thrown off the rhythm of their own life, and have no safety net. The greatest crime, in my opinion, is the increasing medication of our children. Where will their brain chemistry be in ten years?

A popular song of the 80’s is, “I Want a New Drug” by a group called “Huey Lewis and the News.” It’s a very catchy tune, and part of the lyrics say, “I want a new drug, one that won’t make me nervous, wondering what to do. One that makes me feel like I’m with you.” What a telling line. All the singer really wants is to feel connected and loved. All our children want is to feel recognized and appreciated, and in some cases if they vocalize their pain too strongly we drug them for it.

There may be an extreme condition where a person does need to be on medication for awhile, however a “stitch in time saves nine,” and many unfortunate situations can be avoided by diet, meditation, and lifestyle changes. You will never be at optimal health and vitality if you do not have enough vitamin C in your diet. It is the one vitamin which cannot be produced by the human body, and is quickly burned up by stress.

Yogi Bhajan has said that walking 3 miles a day is a basic human requirement for health and mental well being. If you are pressed for time, get an ipod nano and load it up with mantras. Have part of your sadhana be a walking sadhana.

Creativity is the solution to everything. Creativity coupled with kindness is the answer to the prayer of humanity.

Would you like to know more? Nam Hari can do a personal reading for you, either in person or over the phone. Hidden away in your birth date are the secrets to your life’s happiness and greatest potential. Information is power, and real solutions are given to answer your life’s questions. Nam Hari specializes in the area of relationships, and by understanding the parallel and diagonal lines of energy between you and another, the chances for success are greatly enhanced. For more information contact: 310-202-8937 or 575-305-0017 or email:namhari17@gmail.com

8/10/2011 OPEN DAY - Kundalini Yoga para Grávidas no Espaço Ser Mãe

Sat Nam!

No próximo sábado dia 8 estaremos no Espaço Ser Mãe no Auditório Alto dos Moinhos.

Será um dia em cheio com mercadinho para mamãs e bebés, com a exposição do II Concurso de Fotografia "Vamos comemorar a Semana do Aleitamento Materno", Círculo de Mães, Yoga para bebés e crianças e muito mais! Vejam o programa completo em http://www.infosermae.pt/.

Às 17h30 haverá uma aula gratuita de Kundalini Yoga para Grávidas, pelo que... Barriguinhas, animem-se e juntem-se a nós!!!


Chegou o Outono!!! E novas classes em Lisboa!!!

Sat Nam!

Pois é, chegaram aulas de Kundalini Yoga e Kundalini Yoga para Grávidas ao Auditório do Alto dos Moinhos em Lisboa!!!

As inscrições estão abertas!!! A primeira aula é gratuita, pelo que será uma boa oportunidade para experimentar esta maravilhosa prática de cura e transformação.

Kundalini Yoga
3ºFeira - 18h30-20h
4ºFeira - 13h-14h

25€/mensal - 1x semana
35€/mensal - 2x semana

Kundalini Yoga para Grávidas
Sábados - 11h-12h30

As 8 aulas constituem um módulo, mas de acordo com o estado mais ou menos avançado das barriguinhas têm as seguintes opções:
45€/2 aulas
90€/5 aulas
120€/8 aulas

LOCAL: Auditório Alto dos Moinhos
Estação de Metro - Linha Azul

CONTACTOS: Auditório - 960 147 994, 213 500 126
Gurukiret Kaur - 93 517 95 48, gurukiretkaur@gmail.com

Lá vos espero!***

segunda-feira, 5 de setembro de 2011

Numerology Forecast for September 2011

September 2011 Numerology Forecast: Leaving Old Patterns Behind

By Nam Hari Kaur Khalsa, in AQUARIAN TIMES

The month of September is a whirling dervish of activity and intense emotional drama. We are feeling an overwhelming longing for support and nurturing, along with the frustration of hearing the constant voicemail message, “I’m unavailable, leave me a message, maybe I’ll call back later.” There are times in life where we are very much on our own, and this month is one of those times. Because of the energetic build-up to 11-11-11, the cosmic deck of cards is being so furiously reshuffled that is difficult to feel a sense of stability and peaceful continuity.Anything nostalgic will be very popular now, as people will be wondering, “What happened to the good old days, when I felt like I had a handle on things?”

It is the increasing loss of control which is totally freaking everyone out. This can contribute to a sense of there being something wrong with one’s self, when it is actually a symptom of the times. One of the Five Sutras of the Aquarian Age is,“Understand through compassion, or you will misunderstand the times.” This shifts the emphasis from thinking, “I’ve just got to stay ahead of it all somehow,” to a more relaxed, heart-felt space where we can begin to understand that we are presently in one of the most fantastically phenomenal times ever on planet Earth. The old rules just don’t apply anymore.

So, how can we traverse this tempestuous time and space? I can recall a summer when I was traveling by myself from Colorado to California. To make this journey you have to drive through Utah, which I had never done before. As I crossed the state line into Utah, I noticed the landscape changing dramatically from the tall pines and rivers of Colorado, into a strange moon-like expanse of rocks and barren nothingness. Further adding to my unease were the highway signs which read, “No Services for the Next 120 Miles.”

And that included no cell phone service. “Hmmm,” I thought, “Here I am, totally alone with absolutely no help if anything goes wrong.” I knew there were certain things I could cover—having enough food, gas, and water—and I also knew there was another area that would be totally out of my control. The Unknown. How would I manage this so I wouldn’t be sweating bullets for the entire 500 mile journey through a scorching desert? The Unknown is represented by the number 9.There is always an aspect to life which can’t be calculated or figured out. Even in the science of numerology we call this the “unknown variable.” However, there is a way to cover this when you “know the code.” In the mantric coding system it is theAdi Shakti Mantra[1] which will create a space of grace to carry you across. The radiator belt that might have snapped out in the middle of nowhere will hold till you reach a gas station. Within the Adi Shakti Mantra is the phrase, Sarab Shaktiwhich means “All encompassing creative power.” The right answer will be created for you.

Another aspect of the number 9 is death and completion. What primarily will be dying on the planet are the old, codependent, emotional habit patterns that have been enslaving us for generations. Sounds rather intense, doesn’t it? If you have ever taken a pacifier away from a child, what do you get? Yelling and screaming. The child believes that his/her world has come to an end, because a plastic pacifier is all they know. The idea that there could be other forms of entertainment, interaction, or even evolution are all foreign at their stage of development. Humanity’s emotional learning curve will be experiencing a sharp increase in what is known as “degree of difficulty.”

The inability of others to come through for us simply because they too are going through so much will be widely experienced by all. Where to turn? As we approach the 11-11-11 Transit Portal Date we will benefit greatly by calling upon our Angels, Gurus, Savior, and ArcAngels. Although we may not be able to see them in everyday life, their presence, and our ability to call them in, is an increasing necessity of the times.

Sometimes when children are playing in a schoolyard the ball will go flying over the fence into the street. One of the children would then have to run down to the end of the schoolyard, go through the gate, and then into the street to get the fly-away ball. Or, if that child focused and projected just right, they could call over to the other side and say, ”Little help!” and usually someone would toss the ball back over the fence line.

Set your psyche now to the flow of the universal psyche. Pick your angel, chant your mantra, and shatter the shackles of the karmic patterns so you may be free of the ancestral entrapment.

As Yogi Bhajan said:

“Nothing can change the pattern of human destiny until the devotion is so strong that one is willing to sacrifice his patterns. And when that occurs, life is guaranteed changed. Elevated consciousness is a surety. Happiness is around the corner.”

Would you like to know more? Nam Hari can do a personal reading for you, either in person or over the phone. Hidden away in your birth date are the secrets to your life’s happiness and greatest potential. Information is power, and real solutions are given to answer your life’s questions. Nam Hari specializes in the area of relationships, and by understanding the parallel and diagonal lines of energy between you and another, the chances for success are greatly enhanced. For more information contact: 310-202-8937 or 575-305-0017 or email: namhari17@gmail.com

[1] Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Namo Namo
Sarab Shakti, Sarab Shakti, Sarab Shakti, Namo Namo
Pritham Bhagvati, Pritham Bhagvati, Pritham Bhagvati, Namo Namo
Kundalini Mata Shakti, Mata Shakti, Namo Namo