"Se o teu corpo não está sob o teu controle, a tua mente não está sob o teu controle, e o teu espírito não está sob o teu controle, como vais enfrentar o desafio do tempo e do espaço?" - Yogi Bhajan

sexta-feira, 13 de abril de 2012

Ciclo de Workshops "SHAKTI - O Despertar da Deusa Interior" 10 Junho 12

Adi Shakti é conhecida como o derradeiro poder feminino inerente a toda a Criação. Literalmente significa “o poder primordial”. Esta energia feminina divina cria o futuro e é a incorporação da criatividade, equilíbrio e completude. Podemos em consciência criar uma forte relação com esta energia feminina, primordial e vibrante, de forma a abraçarmos e incorporarmos o poder inato de ser Mulher, radiante e graciosa!

É o que faremos neste workshop onde utilizaremos Kriyas (conjunto de exercícios), Pranayamas (Respiração), Meditações e Mantras da tradição do Kundalini Yoga que permitirão que a energia de Shakti flua em nós e que reencontremos a nossa Deusa Interior.

Para participar nos workshops não é necessária experiência prévia com yoga.

O que trazer?

- roupa confortável, preferencialmente de algodão ou outras fibras naturais (branco é recomendado mas não essencial). Como vamos praticar também no exterior poderão querer trazer roupa por camadas, uma vez que tanto pode estar frio como calor.

- uma manta, colchonete de yoga, tapete, cobertor ou toalha grande para a prática e uma mantinha para nos taparmos durante o relaxamento e para as meditações.

- comida vegetariana biológica para partilhar ao almoço e lanche (algo ligeiro pois devemos evitar comer refeições pesadas antes da prática).

- água é fundamental durante e depois da prática de yoga.

Orientação: Gurukiret Kaur

Local: Monte Ladoiros (Ourique)

Data: 10 de Junho 2012

Horário: 10h às 18h

Preço: 50€ cada Workshop
(15% de desconto na inscrição nos dois workshops. A partir de 21 de maio 2012 acresce 10€.
Inscrições limitadas.)

Possibilidade de alojamento gratuito

Inscrições: j.guerreiro13@gmail.com // montelab.com

Ciclo de Workshops "A ESSÊNCIA DO SER" 9 Junho 12

Neste workshop usamos a sagrada prática do Kundalini Yoga de forma a criar um espaço de consciência que nos ajudará a explorar a nossa verdadeira identidade e a expandir o nosso “Eu” de forma a experienciar a nossa infinidade.

Durante o dia trabalharemos com uma selecção de Kriyas (conjunto de exercícios), Pranayamas (Respiração), Meditações e Mantras de Kundalini Yoga que nos guiarão numa viagem para além da mente para encontrarmos a nossa verdadeira essência… o nosso Sat Nam!

Para participar nos workshops não é necessária experiência prévia com yoga.

O que trazer?

- roupa confortável, preferencialmente de algodão ou outras fibras naturais (branco é recomendado mas não essencial). Como vamos praticar também no exterior poderão querer trazer roupa por camadas, uma vez que tanto pode estar frio como calor.

- uma manta, colchonete de yoga, tapete, cobertor ou toalha grande para a prática e uma mantinha para nos taparmos durante o relaxamento e para as meditações.

- comida vegetariana biológica para partilhar ao almoço e lanche (algo ligeiro pois devemos evitar comer refeições pesadas antes da prática).

- água é fundamental durante e depois da prática de yoga.

Orientação: Gurukiret Kaur

Local: Monte Ladoiros (Ourique)

Data: 9 de Junho 2012

Horário: 10h às 18h

Preço: 50€ cada Workshop
(15% de desconto na inscrição nos dois workshops. A partir de 21 de maio 2012 acresce 10€.
Inscrições limitadas.)

Possibilidade de alojamento gratuito
Inscrições: j.guerreiro13@gmail.com // montelab.com

quinta-feira, 12 de abril de 2012

Nova aula no Alto dos Moinhos com Hari Rai Singh

Abriu um novo horário no espaço do Auditório do Metro do Alto dos Moinhos!

5ºFeira - 20h30-22h

Esta nova aula é orientada pelo professor Hari Rai Singh!

Apareçam! ***


Rir é o melhor remédio!

Os benefícios de Kundalini Yoga (em inglês)

O processo de Meditação (em inglês)

The Aad Such Mantra: A Code for Unconditional Love

By Nihal Singh on July 20, 2011

(Um pouco mais sobre o mantra AAD SUCH! Desfrutem!)

Bring Yourself Back to You

You are You and always have been. You may feel that with all the changes you have gone through in your yoga practice that you are evolved. Is it evolution or has it been a cleansing process? The theory of evolution is that something was “wrong” and needed to change. What if I propose and alternative theory that you are perfect the way you are, but over time (and possibly lifetimes) you got contaminated. Thus the practice of Yoga is more like polishing a diamond than evolution. Just a thought.

When Guru Nanak reached enlightenment his very first words were the Mul Mantra.
However the first mantra he told everyone to repeat was:

Aad Such Jugaad Such Hai Bhai Such Nanak Hosee Bhai Such.

The mantra is translated as, “True in the beginning, True throughout the ages, True even now, Nanak says the Truth shall always be.
So what does that mean to me really? Guru Dev [master of Sat Nam Rasayan] told me another way to interpret the mantra was, “You were you in the beginning, You will be you in the future, You are even You now. You shall always be You.”

Perhaps it’s like when you became a teenager and rebelled against your parents. You may have thought you were so cool. You begin to hang out with your friends more than your family and your parents try to remind you that blood is thicker than water. You don’t want to hear it. Your parents tell you that despite how cool you think you are, that they loved you before you became so cool, they will love you in the future despite how cool or uncool you get, they love you even right now while you are being annoying about being cool. No matter what you do they will always love you.” Friends come and go, but your parents accept you no matter who you are.

The Aad Such mantra is the code that really teaches us the essence of what is unconditional love. If you understand it you know unconditional love. Unconditional love first starts with yourself. You cannot love another without yourself. Just because you are having a good day doesn’t mean you have arrived to where you want to be. Just because you are having a bad day doesn’t mean you are a failure. Just because you did something wrong it doesn’t mean you are a bad person. You are you and that is deeper than your day-to-day actions. The same goes for our family, partners, friends, coworkers, etc. Keep the essence of Aad Such mantra in mind when interacting with others too.

For maximum effect, here is how to chant this wonderful mantra:

Aad Such
Chant like you are speaking to a friend from long ago and visualize that you are pointing to the past (behind you).

Jugaad Such
Chant like you are speaking to a friend from the future and visualize that you are pointing into the future (forward).

Hai Bhai Such
Chant with the feeling like its going on right now and visualize like your hands are pushing something down from your chest to your hips.

Nanak Hosee Bhai Such
Chant with the feeling like its going on all around you and visualize your palms up and to your sides.

**Make such you are emphasizing the CH in Such like you are coaxing a snake up your spine.

April 2012 Numerology Forecast

One of the most important priorities in life is the ability to take a “time out”. When our life and it’s circumstances intensify it is sometimes necessary to pause in order to regain our perspective. Getting caught up in the fray and fury of frantically unfolding events will not yield a healthy outcome. In many sports games the captain or manager of the team will call a time out when they see that their team is losing their focus. The opposing team naturally senses this, and uses it to their advantage. Even in individual sports, such as tennis, one person will often try to manipulate the game to their advantage by keeping a very fast pace in order to pressure their opponent into making mistakes. Hence the expression, “Never play someone else’s game.” In April we need to take a big “time out” in order to regroup and decompress from the previous 3 months. Life has been intense so far in 2012, however the tide is not always high, and April needs to be a low tide restive cycle. The theme of “Relax and Regenerate” should be a post-it sticky note on everyone’s refrigerator. Allow yourself to pause and reflect on the year so far, and see if you are headed in the direction of your Soul’s fulfillment and highest potential. Little adjustments now will make a big difference later.

Another aspect of April is the tendency for things to disappear. Whether it’s your car keys or airline tickets, you could find yourself at the 11th hour saying,”Yikes, where did they go?” Try to have a safe and consistent place for any important items. For example, you could tell yourself to always leave the car keys in a basket on the kitchen counter, thereby solving this potential problem.

People will be difficult to find this month as well. There is an elusive, slippery quality in regard to communication and our ability to show up on time for events, or to even show up at all. You may hear someone say,”Yeah, definitely, I’ll be there”, and poof, they’re gone.

This is because the number 9 appears in the Base calculation for April. Nine is the mystery number, and represents an elusive, mysterious quality to communication and behavior. Looking to the animal kingdom a perfect example of this would be the octopus. Whenever the octopus feels unsafe it shoots out an inky black liquid into the water so it may hide from a perceived threat. Because of the increased sensitivity in the emotional field on the planet now, you may find people responding with an escapist mentality.

It is interesting to note that in some situations there may be no danger in the environment at all. Remember, the keynote word is perceived threat. Because of the intensity of emotional cleansing this month, a person can perceive a negative feeling that is leaving their consciousness as something which is being projected towards them. It takes a meditative mind to be able to distinguish between these two realities. A most excellent mantra for this month is the “Ad Such” mantra. There are two versions of this particular mantra, and the one which will be especially helpful is:

“Ad Such,

Jugad Such,

Haibhay Such,

Nanak Hosee Bhay Such”

Yogi Bhajan has said of this version: “Anything which is clogged up in life opens up. It is for healing. That’s a healing power.” 4/12/90

I especially like the version on the “Sounds of the Ether” CD. It has a very yogic naad and meter that helps to create a positive flow of the psyche. As Yogi Bhajan has further said, “If you don’t have the flow of your psyche, you will have nothing but anxiety.” The number 4 of April also embodies the scope of words. Four represents the actual words we choose to speak. So, choose your words wisely, as this month has the additionally odd effect of people hearing only what they want to hear. Along with the potential of them getting defensive if they have misunderstood you. It is important to repeat what you are communicating if it is critical information. You may have a neighbor that you occasionally share carpooling with to pick up your children from school. Be sure to leave that extra voice mail message and say, ”So, you’re picking up Timmy and Suzy too, right, okay, thank you!”

OK, so hit that pause button, take a time out, relax and regenerate, and know that the one who can rotate the Earth, can take care of your routine. Next month (May) heats up like a firecracker, and you will be ever so grateful to yourself for the reserve strength you have stored up in your physical body. A camel can cross the hot desert sands because of the water it has stored up in its body. The camel then replenishes itself at the next oasis.

Would you like to know more? Nam Hari can speak with you over the phone for your personal numerology reading. All your most important questions are answered.

Nam Hari